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Agnese Mariotti

Agnese Mariotti
Agnese is a scientist who loves research and exploration whether in a biology lab or in the meanders of the world. She thinks that trying to understand the physical world and how it is perceived and translated into diverse cultures can eventually blossom into a harmonious integration of disparate visions. Her favorite playground is the mountains.

Dementia Is Not Fated; Fight It Away

The wider the brain's neuronal circuits, the lower the risk of dementia in old age.

What a Few Drops of Blood Can Tell About Cancer

Liquid biopsies in the future of cancer diagnosis. Today cancer is diagnosed by medical imaging methods and by further histological and sometimes molecular analysis of...

Finding the Best Personalized Cancer Therapy

Nanoparticles loaded with drugs can help design personalized cancer treatments. Cancer treatment is moving towards personalized therapies that promise better efficacy and less side effects. Tumors...

A New Hope For Alzheimer’s Disease Immunotherapy

For the first time, an antibody was able to target and disrupt the Aβ plaques in the brain.

A Step Closer To Artificial Human Beings?

Scientists propose the creation of a synthetic human genome. Do you remember the Human Genome Project (HGP)? Launched in 1990 and declared complete in 2003,...

Seeing With Eyes Shut: How LSD Causes Hallucinations

Brain scans show the human brain under LSD and explain how hallucinations occur.

Slowing Down The Clock

New drugs can delay aging and rejuvenate tissues.