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Avantika Pandey

Avantika Pandey
I was always interested in medical science, which led me to pursue a career in dentistry. Although I only practiced dentistry for three years, my interest in medical research motivated me to earn a master's degree in Public Health and migrate into the field of Public Health research. I am currently a member of The Global Mental Health and Cultural Psychiatry Research Group, which supports mental health care in lower-middle-income nations. My primary focus is on mental health conditions but I also write on topics relating to public health, oral health, and general medical conditions. I have a strong desire to learn more about the numerous aspects of modern medical science and to contribute to the improvement of public health.

Your Health Is In Your Mouth

Many individuals recognize the significance of regular brushing and flossing for cavity prevention. Yet, did you realize that oral health can provide valuable insights...

Sleep disorders in children make parents more stressed

Stress and sleep disorders are interdependent, with stress impacting sleep quality and poor sleep having negative effects on stress levels and coping ability. This...

Getting enough vitamin D can improve your brain’s efficiency

Vitamin D, also known as cholecalciferol, is a fat-soluble vitamin and prohormone that can be obtained through food or sun exposure. This is essential...

Children’s time with electronic devices increased by 50% during Covid-19

A recent study held by the University of Calgary, Canada found that the screen time of children and adolescents increased by 52% during the...