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Jeffrey Daniels

Jeffrey Daniels
Graduated in 2018 with an MSc in Earth and Space Science from Western University in London, Ontario, Canada; I've since been working as a contract field geologist in Northwestern Ontario, namely mapping and prospecting, and been a contributor to United Academics for the better part of a decade thus far. My scientific interests primarily involve the Earth, including geology, outer space, and archaeology/paleontology, and I enjoy writing on any cool and interesting topics I find within such disciplines!

The True Harmony of the Spheres

The motions of celestial bodies through space are more captivating than mere textbook depictions suggest.

Jedek, a Newly Found Human Language

“Jedek,” spoken in a community within an already-studied “Jahai” language area, is a newly-discovered language in the Malay Peninsula.

TRAPPIST-1, One Year On

TRAPPIST’s one-year anniversary has come with exciting discoveries. Here are the two most recent and promising ones.

A Way To Entangle Photons, Naturally?

Rotating black holes may be able to create entangled states within single photons.

Demons Exist – In Quantum Mechanics

Physicists have finally resolved the paradox of “Maxwell’s Demon” via quantum mechanical experiments.

Building the Hominin Family Tree, One Outlier at a Time

An account of all the new and interesting finds in Hominin fossil research.

Galactic Updates: TRAPPIST-1 and Other Exoplanetary Interests

Catching up on the most interesting exoplanetary system to-date, as well as a couple of notable findings by Kepler mark 2.

The Most Interesting Stellar System Of All?

The dimming patterns of KIC 8462852 still baffle observers, three years on. Back in September 2015, Yale astronomers released that the KIC 8462852 star, that...

The Hunt for the Higgs Bison Is Over

The odd hybrid of aurochs and steppe bison has now been confirmed to exist, during the last Ice Age. Some hybrid creatures are confined to...

The 7 Most Interesting Extrasolar Systems

Beyond the well-known Solar System, there is an immensity of other unique systems.