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Josefina Cordera

Josefina Cordera
I have a Bachelor's in Communication and a Specialization in Communication of Science. Working in the field of science communication, I have created content for different disciplines, working as a producer for TV broadcasts, documentary films, podcasts, and science articles. I also teach Audiovisual Science communication in a Postgraduate Specialization and I organized some communication workshops for researchers. I am currently a Ph.D. Anthropology student, focusing on memories and audiovisual representations in the context of institutional violence. I am interested in Visual Anthropology and Ethnographic Methods for video production.

Art-Risk 3.0: an Open-source Platform to Evaluate Threats to Cultural Heritage

Researchers have developed a free artificial Intelligence platform available to the public that identifies threats to cultural heritage. Art-Risk 3.0 classifies buildings according to...

Take Part in the Aerospace Industry Conference SPACEtalks 3.0

SPACEtalks 3.0 is happening next week! Taking place on April 27th at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Oxfordshire, UK, SPACEtalks is a space...

Mathematical Framework to Understand Gender Bias in the Glass Ceiling Effect

Research published in the  Journal of Applied Economy shed light on how the glass ceiling works against women candidates for a committee or position...

Urban Land Expansion, a Threat to Biodiversity 

Urban land expansion will represent an increasingly prominent driver of natural habitat loss for many species in the next decades. Researchers project that 855...

Artificial Intelligence to Improve the Restoration of Ancient Greek Texts

A collaborative study reported in Nature this week (open access) developed Ithaca, a deep neural network architecture that can help historians interpret ancient Greek...

Researchers Create Chemicals With a Carbon-Negative Footprint From Bacteria

A study released in Nature Biotechnology describes a method for carbon-negative manufacturing of chemicals at a large scale using microbes instead of petroleum and...

Mosquitoes Learn to Avoid Pesticides Increasing Their Resistance to Chemical Controls

Mosquitoes Learn to Avoid Pesticides Increasing Their Resistance to Chemical Controls A research published yesterday in Scientific Report asserts that female Aedes aegypti and Culex...

Researchers Closer to Tracking Marine Plastic From Space

The European Space Agency (ESA) and the Dutch institute, Deltares, tested satellite technology that could help track plastic pollution in the ocean. At the...

COVID-19: People Discharged From Hospital Have Higher Risk for Adverse Outcomes and Death

A recent study carried out in the UK concluded that people discharged from COVID-19 hospital admission had markedly higher risks for rehospitalization and death...

Citizen Science or How to Make Science Accessible to All

Over the years, scientists have involved communities in their research projects. However, citizen science methodologies have become common in the last few decades. In...