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Josefina Cordera

Josefina Cordera
I have a Bachelor's in Communication and a Specialization in Communication of Science. Working in the field of science communication, I have created content for different disciplines, working as a producer for TV broadcasts, documentary films, podcasts, and science articles. I also teach Audiovisual Science communication in a Postgraduate Specialization and I organized some communication workshops for researchers. I am currently a Ph.D. Anthropology student, focusing on memories and audiovisual representations in the context of institutional violence. I am interested in Visual Anthropology and Ethnographic Methods for video production.

Clean Energy Transition: How to Engage Citizen Participation

Transitioning to renewable energies is one of the keys to reducing the risks and effects of climate change, and citizens could have a great...

COVID-19 Perception Among Adolescents and Their Commitment to Public Health

How do we interpret the behavior of adolescents in the context of a pandemic, as right now? How do they adhere to public health...